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Mgr. et MgA. Martin Sedláček

Psycholog Praha, Psychoretapie Praha

About Me

I was born in Prague in 1977. I grew up in Prague district Smíchov*, and laughter is one of my favourite therapeutic tools. I have a degree from Charles University, the Faculty of Philosophy, majoring in Psychology, as well as from the Academy of Performing Arts, majoring in Drama Education. I have worked as a drama therapist in Prague Motol hospital, and as a marriage counselor in Králův Dvůr. I am a therapist and a coach certified in Body-oriented Integrative Psychotherapy, Basic Drama Therapy and Somatic Coaching. Apart from being a therapist I also co-lead the company Impropact. I perform in theatre and practice martial arts. I live in Nové Jirny with my family.  


*Smíchov is a name based on the Czech word for laughter


I believe psychotherapy is one of the paths to a full and free life. People usually enter psychotherapy when they realise that their behaviour / experiencing patterns no longer work as they used to, or they bring more difficulties than joy and benefits. 


How does it work?


The process of psychotherapy can vary to a great degree, it depends on the type of psychotherapy the therapist is trained in. It basically means working with client's behavior and experiencing, with the objective of relieving the client from his/her current difficulties. The client meets with the therapist regularly and works on his/her topics. Psychotherapy is not talking. Depending on their training, the therapists use a range of other methods besides talking - drawing, imagination, working with dreams, free association, physical exercise, specific types of massage, in some cases even acupuncture points stimulation. The client can work on assignments. It is important to pay attention to therapist selection, it is common practice that a client tries out several therapists. 

When to enter psychotherapy? 


  • Inability to find or maintain a long-term relationship 

  • Emptiness of life - feeling that life has no meaning

  • Repeating of dysfunctional patterns after parents 

  • The aftermath of a traumatic experience limits free experiencing of the client 

  • The client feels emotions he/she doesn't understand, suffers from depression, anxiety

  • Inability to be oneself 

  • Dependence on a partner, gambling, addiction to work, food, etc. 


Duration of psychotherapy


Psychotherapy usually lasts longer than counseling or coaching. It works on a deeper level, and often affects the structure of the personality. The duration of psychotherapy is usually from several months to several years, with meetings once in two weeks or once a week. In case of a crisis there can be two meetings a week. 


Ending of psychotherapy


The impulse to end therapy can come from the client as well as therapist. When therapy is being concluded, one or two closing sessions take place as a rule. 


Price (sessions in English)

  • 1500 Kč / 50 min. (based on agreement, Skype/Zoom/...)

  • 1500 Kč / 50 min. (7.00 - 18.00, Praha, Karlova 18)



Coaching is a process which provides the coachee with support to reach specific personal goals. The coach frees the potential of the coachee to reach these goals by working with him/her. The coach guides the coachee through specification of the objective, the search for ways of achieving it, and finally through the realisation of the newly discovered strategy.  

For business


Executive Coaching


Executive coaching applies coaching to business environment. The coaching request usually comes from the employer, who also covers the coaching fees. The coach and coachee set the objectives together with the coachee's manager or Human Resources Department. The outcomes of executive coaching can include, apart from achieved objectives, also a report for the coachee's manager. The coachee approves this report before it is presented to his/her manager. 


Example situations: 

  • The employee needs to find the right leadership style, so that his/her team accept his/her leadership.

  • The employee needs to find work-life balance. 

  • The employee needs to overcome fear of public speaking and presentation. 

  • The manager needs to structure his/her thoughts when making complicated decisions. 

  • I need to find energy to oppose my manager when he/she is not right. 

Trading Coaching


Trading coaching specifically focuses on the needs of traders, especially in situations when they compulsivelly break their money management rules. The trader gains deeper understanding of the psychological causes of his/her failures during coaching, and develops new strategies of minimising the risk of future failures at the same time. Trading coaching also contains elements of Willpower coaching.


Example situations:

  • I constantly loose after the transition from simulation to live trading. 

  • I am not able to close the day with a loss.

  • When I have a very successful day, I regularly close the next day with a big loss. 

  • I am not able to follow the rules I have set for myself.



  • 4000 - 6000 Kč / 50 min.

For Individuals


Life Coaching


Life Coaching applies coaching to everyday life, and it focuses on achieving a specific goal. Unlike Willpower Coaching,  the coachee often doesn't have a clear idea HOW to achieve his/her objective, and the objective itself often needs clarification as well. Life coaching is especially usefull when coachee's life circumstances are changing (change of relationship, work, personal habits), or when he/she is preparing for such a change. 


Example situations:

  • I want to change jobs. I don't know yet what I would like to do.

  • My mother in law has moved in with us. How can I deal with this situation?

  • I haven't finished two universities already. What should I do to be succesfull this time?

  • I am not able to motivate the rest of my family to help me. 

  • I´m unable to loose weight.



  • 2000 - 4000 Kč / 50 min.

Other Services

Body as a Path to Health


Body as a Path to Health is a psychotherapeutic programe which we have been running with my colleague PhDr. Bernadeta Bechyňová for ten years now. The program is based on Biosynthesis concept. It works with processes arising spontaneously at he level of body, mind and emotions, and it looks for a way of integrating them. You will find a lot of excercises based on mindfull work with body, movement, breath and voice in the program.              


The program is here for those who would like to:

  • develop and deepen their contact with the self 

  • strenghten their own internal resources and vitality

  • support the growth of their natural potential and intuition

  • do something to alleviate and prevent psychosomatic difficulties

  • relieve accumulated stress

  • prevent long-term fatigue and burnout


Duration 12x2 hours + entry interview



Marital and couples counselling during divorce and partnership crisis.



  • Individual consultation    2000 Kč / 50 min.

  • Couples consultation       3000-4500 Kč / 50 - 90 min.

Martin Sedláček

Psychotherapy Praha 1, Psychologist Praha 1

Karlova 18
110 00 Praha 1
Tel: +420-603-152-223

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Psychoterapie Praha 1, Psycholog Praha 1, Koučování

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